Friday, November 12, 2010

One Piece 604, Naruto 516, Bleach 426

One Piece 604

woooo.....Kraken, that was perhaps the highlight of the chapter. That and Sanji having blood transfusion due to critical loss of blood via nosebleed. I wonder what will happen to him? I guess the rehab session Chopper suggested might help. A large chunk of the chapter is on explaining the different currents underwater, I cant help but wonder how much of it is true. I know for sure that there underwater volcanoes. Duh. I know for sure that there are different currents in the water. But I didnt know that the currents actually go opposite directions? Is this true? And the underwater water fall?

Oh yeah, by the way, I had totally forgotten about that cow sea king thingie. i wonder how many people actually remembered. Lastly, Caribou sucks. Really, really sucks

Naruto 516

It would seem like Kabuto is fully controlling the bodies of the dead guys, but not their minds. Though Kabuto seems to hint that that would be too far off. Makes me wonder if some of them will actually have the will to break free of the control. The attacks have begun, but only on a small scale. The White Zetsu army is marching, while Gaara gives a speech on his induction as the commander in chief. The speech is mostly about, well, Naruto. And the "awesome" speech makes the shinobis work together. The power of speeches! 

Naruto has successfully stack his blocks. I wonder if Killer Bee's gonna tell him about the war, and whether he will join in the war or not. No news on Yamato though. And hopefully, Asuma, Dan and Neji's dad are the only Fire Nation shinobi on the dead guys team. On another note, seems like Kabuto and Anko are duking it out. Go Anko!!

Bleach 426

Just when I though "cover" pages can't get anymore awesome. This is my favouritest "cover" page yet. Guess my guess was wrong. Sado didn't appear. Instead we get treated to a new character. Ichigo's boss. She seems to be some sort of super boss, judging by how she man handled Ichigo, and defeated a bunch of hooligans. She has a son, and a weird family name. Other than that, not much is known about her yet. But it would seem the guy from the last, last chapter has appear.

Oh yeah, did I mention that Ishida is the Student Council President, took me by surprise there, although upon reflection, Ishida did seem to fit the criteria of a Student Council President, specs and all. And Yoko-chin? Who the hell is that?

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