Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Yesterday, we were having Programming II class. A friend of mine sat next to me. Our CPUs were side by side. Anyways, we were happily playing Braaains while trying to do some parts of the assignment when a soft, silent melody came out of no where. Seriously, it's the kind of music who would probably hear in a haunted mansion or a ballroom dance. The thing was, we both had our computers muted, and the seat next to my friend was empty, and the guy next to me was typing codes diligently. We were like "Wtf?!!".

Then the melody stopped, and we defeated some more players and played the mini games when the melody came again. We were searching around for the source of the melody, and judged it was between us. The melody stopped. We played some more, and watch some youtube videos. Then the melody came again. This time we actually put our ears next to the speaker. Note that the computers in our labs have the speaker pre-installed in the CPU. Nothing, and the melody stopped.. Thats when I realize it was probably a ringtone, and ask my friend if it was his phone. It wasn't. We went back to do our stuff, then the music came again. We pulled out the CPU from the "drawer?", "compartment?", thing and looked behind the CPU, nothing, we checked under the tables, nothing. The melody stopped.

This time, we were wondering if there was something supernatural around. With all those ghost talk a few weeks before still fresh in our minds. About how our school was haunted, and level 4's lights were never fully switched off, stuff like that. Then the melody came again, and focused my energy to listen, and flipped over my friends keyboard. Lo, and behold. The phone in the picture above was under it. It being found in my friends seat, I left him to deal with the phone.

Anyway, some calls came and go. The phone's credits were used up when we tried to call back the number that had been calling. My friend actually used his own phone to call up the girl's dad. Salute! Long story short, the phone went back to an ungrateful owner who didn't even mutter a word of thanks. Man, if it was me, I would have sell off the phone, probably. I definitely wouldnt keep it, since it's a phone that screams "I belong to a girl!".

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