Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Girlfriend Dream? Dream Girlfriend?

No, this is not a dream about my girlfriend, because I do not have one. No, it ain't about my dream girl either. Rather, it was a dream about me having a girlfriend. Seriously. I don't know which one is more pathetic, the fact that I had the dream itself, or the fact that I woke up actually telling myself "please don't let that be just a dream" over and over.

Someone somewhere once said that dreams are part of our innermost desires and wishes. I wonder if that's true. But the thing is, I don't even know any girl in real life that even vaguely resembled the girl I was with in the dream. So who's that girl suppose to be? My own creation? My own imagination of my dream girl? Whatever it was, it was pretty freaky when I came to my sense and release I was telling myself "please don't let that be just a dream".

Now to the main part, the dream itself. I meet the girl after a function. Not sure whether it was a party, or something. It had that sort of interschool competitions/graduation/seminar-thingie feel to it. She was an acquaintance of a friend of mine. We sort of struck up and talked then everything blurry, but that might just be my messed up memory. By the end of the function, we were couples. Haha, we just met and we became couples. We exchanged phone numbers and promised to call each other when we get home. The next part gets weirder, but first let me talk about the girl herself.

She was, appearance-wise, pretty average. Not the kind that would draw stares, but nice to look at all. Look-wise, she was not exactly my cup of tea either. Her name was a name that was commonly used as a princess in Final Fantasy games, but the variation of it was the one from FFIII. I leave it up to you to guess. She had a dynamic personality, a totally open attitude. Which was the direct opposite of the usually timid me, except when Im with friends. She cracked jokes easily, had to "insult-thingie-we-call-shoot" thing going on. And best of all, she was a gamer. She actually had an Xbox. This was probably due to the fact that the real-life me is saving for an Xbox. Looks aside, I think the rest of her fitted my bill of dream girl, i think. Oh yeah, did I mention she was rich?

I got lost on the way home, and was worried that she might call while I was still driving. When I finally reached home. The weird stuff happens. My house was haunted.... what the?! I repeat my house was haunted. Apparently the neighbor had a visitor that would came regular, i think every Monday and Friday, and bring along the "stuff" with him. Btw, in the dream, it was a Friday. So, my house was haunted that night. My shirt was in the toilet bowl full of crap, and the sink was moving around on it's own, and a hand was sticking out of the wall under the shower head. And I actually ignored it so that I could call her before she called me. I wonder if I would do that in real life?

But I failed. I was halfway in my shower when she called. Then we were talking merrily. For some reasons, she did not like text messages and prefers calls. After that things started to pick up pace and we were officially couples. And the rest of the dream was a jumbled up mess. I remember one scene where I was talking to a friend of hers about a game she did not play. She got jealous and I was thinking of how cute she was. >.> Btw, the game was a Vocaloid visual novel series, which for your information does not exist. Amazingly, the game came in a pendrive, and the pendrive, upon completing the game, would turn gold plated, and the transfer speed would increase greatly. A friend of mine once told me that gold plated USB ports have faster transfer rate, how true is this, I do not know. But I do know that turning a normal USB into a gold-plated one is pretty much impossible. Maybe it was done by some sort of chemical signal to change to molecular structure? I will leave it to the Chemistry students to solve this one.

I think I actually loved that girl. All I can describe is that I felt warm inside. Happy, and eager to meet her everyday. Wanting to listen to her voice. Actually thinking she was cute when she got jealous. But whether it was the "dream" me who fell in love or the "real" me who did is forever a mystery.

To be honest, I was actually quite taken aback that I would act the way I did in my dream. It was way, way not me. In fact, I am quite taken aback by the fact that I had the dream. I mean, sure, I would want a girlfriend given the opportunity, but I know it is not within my...power? whats the word? capabilities? actually have a girlfriend. For one, I would not have the time.

Oh well, I'm off to seek some "enlightment" on my dream. Till next time, Adios.

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