Saturday, November 6, 2010

E.Maths Test 2: The Aftermath

Epic Title for a not-so-Epic Post.

A not-so-long, long time ago, in a not-so-distant land. A young boy had been studying for weeks in hopes of passing defeating the terrible dread, known as E.Maths Test 2, the spawn of E.Maths Test 1. To achieve this, the young boy had trained by doing exercises everyday, almost. He learned by tackling Vectors and hitting Trigonometry. And of course, his instructor gave him the Essential Questions, and he redid the Essential Questions! everyday. The dreaded day came, and the boy reached the hall of E.Maths Test 2 early. He walked around to calm his nerves, and the time came. The boy tackled E.Maths Test 2, and possibly beat it down badly, though the boy definitely did not defeat E.Maths Test 2. After an hour, the boy decided to leave the hall and write his experience in a blog post.

Okay, seriously, I was doing exercises like crazy for the past month, especially since I scored a 6/20 in the Trigonometry test a few weeks ago. Been doing all the tutorial exercise, and actually redid the Essential Questions twice, for a total of three times. Did it pay off? Only time will tell.

But I felt a bit, a tiny bit, of confidence that I actually...pass the test. I'm not going so far as to say I aced it, since I have quite a lot of doubts on a few questions, but on the bright side, there was no questions left unanswered. In fact, I finished the entire paper the first time through, a feat that I never achieved in E.Maths, not even in Add Maths back in Form 4/5 if I remembered correctly. But whether the methods I used and the answers I gave were correct or not is an entirely different matter.

Anyway, now that that's over, I must now focus on my 3 assignments, and prepare for Programming II Test 2 and E.Maths Final Exam. The Final Exam is gonna be killer. Logarithms and Trigonometry alone are gonna massacre me. Add in Differentiation, and I am so dead. Let's hope the other two chapters can help me. Hope, prayer and some hard work.

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