Sunday, November 14, 2010

Newsflash: Vaan in Duodecim, Aya as Maid

The next Dissidia [012]: Final Fantasy Character has been revealed. It's none other than the pretty much known Vaan. I mean, come on, everyone knows he's gonna be in it. He was the main character in Final Fantasy 12, and his voice actors, yes actorS, both english and japanese, have long since hinted that he is going to be in this game. I wonder how many Balthier fans and Ashe fans are gonna weep and moaned. It's widely agreed upon that Vaan is not in the very least a very much liked character.

It would seem like he has Quickenings as his Ex-Burst, as for Ex Mode, who can say? His battle style involves him switching between multiple weapons and shields. As for how exactly he does this, has yet to be answered. As for it's name? I can only speculate Sky Pirate. His Another Form is based on his Amano artwork, as with many other characters. The same goes for Terra's Third Form, which is silently peaking in the last panel, and has been in our face since the TGS trailer. 

Irasshaimase Goshujin-sama appears to be involved in Aya's most recently revealed costume. Yes, Aya Brea is only officially a maid. I wonder how she can fight in that thing. Isn't the apron a tad too constraining? Which by the way, makes no sense at all. The costumes are getting more and more out of hand. Firstly it was Lightning, then office secretary, now maid? What next? School girl?

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