Friday, October 1, 2010

Bhasta Sword by NiteAura

The Buster Sword - Symbol of Dreams and Honor

Created with Adobe Illustrator CS4, based on this and this

Total time taken: 1 hour? Didnt really look at the time.

This is the first time I did something with Adobe Illustrator without the use of tutorials or at the very least, not for the Multimedia subject. Got inspired by a friend who drew a bunch of weapons and robots using Illustrator, so I thought, why not give it a try? I chose to do the Buster Sword because it is really simple and looks cool. Kick-ass cool. Besides, it once belonged to Zack Fair, my favouritest FF character ever. He shares part of my name...hehe...  The history behind the sword we saw in FF7 is really meaningful, given that it's the first sword Cloud uses and it is thrown away for better swords not that long later (although the avatar wields it). 

So what should I do next? Blaze Edge maybe? Or Lionheart?

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