Friday, October 15, 2010

Dissidia Duodecim Dreams

While waiting for the video processing to finish, which has taken me the entire afternoon, and this is my 3rd retry, let me entertain you with an odd dream of mine. Well, with all the hype about Dissidia Duodecim and my Programming II test, some sort of odd dream is bound to show up sooner than later.

Some of you might know from the previous blog that I'm a weird dreamer. Seriously, most of my dreams are weird and mess up, and some are very deja-vu-ish. There was one time I dreamt about my aunt carrying my cousin and walking across the road. Bamp, it happened. But considering the percentage of happening, it might just be entirely coincidental. Whatever...

Back on topic, it was during Tuesday, or was it Monday, cant for the life of me remember, but anyway, I dreamt me and my highschool friends (i miss them), were hanging out, it was after playing a round of futsal, and I was telling this gamer friend of mine about Duodecim. Though I don't think the real him would be interested, but meh. I was blabbering on about how Tifa was probably playable, Prima Vista might be a playable stage and what not, when one of my friends suggested checking the FF Wiki. So we went, and we saw a section that read:

"Characters That Are Likely To Appear But Are Not Officially Confirmed"

followed by a short paragraph on these characters appearing on blurry scans, voice actors tweets and what not. which is in turn followed by a pretty nicely arranged table with the character on the first column, pictures of scans and stuff on the middle and a third column describing stuff.

yea, i know, doesnt make sense right? scans would pretty much confirm the character already. Anyhow, the very first one was a Red Mage, i think, cant remember right now.

But the second was on how Firion had a entirely new moveset to make way for a new FF II character. I have been thinking about this, so it wasnt entire "new" to me.

Then a third one showed a Onion Knight in greenish hue that seems to be a new character based on one of the FFIII DS characters. Again, doesnt make sense right? Onion Knight was a job, so how could it be based on one of the characters? The greenish hue only served to make me think of Cloud of Darkness, so maybe it's Warrior of the Dark? What the heck...why am I speculating on a dream...

Don't remember the stuffs for FFIV-FFVI, but FFVII showed a magazine scan about Tifa...then *drum rolls* the next day I opened FF Wiki's Duodecim Discussion page, I saw the scan...I was screaming like a little excited girl, fanboyism inside me (this happened both in the dream and in real life). The scan in my dream also showed Zack as an alternate costume for Cloud, due to the release of CCFFVII: Universal Tuning. Then *drum rolls* an FAKE CCFFVII: International was announced. Got me excited for a while, then turned out it was FAKE.

No memories on FFVIII, FFIX showed a Vivi, with alternate costumes of Amano design and Kingdom Hearts. Nothing weird here, highly possible it will happen, so again, not much of a "surprise" moment. This has also been in my mind, so not weird for it to appear in my dream.

FFX, FFXI no memories on this two as well, though FFXII part brought with it another surprise. I dreamed that Vaan's JAPANESE voice actor confirmed him in Duodecim through his tweet. While Vaan's US VA confirm working on Vaan on a new game, JAP has kept quiet. Next day, open gamefaqs's Duodecim Board. Bam, Vaan's JAP va hints in his blog that he might be playing Vaan in an upcoming game. Another part in FFXII was Gabranth's moveset has been revamped to be more similar to Basch with Basch as his alternative. Or rather, Gabranth as Basch's alternative. Or something of the like. If this does happen, I'm gonna be SOOOOO excited.

Weird, nothing for FFXIII even though it's one of my favourite. It's not that I don't remember, it's not there at all. So...meh...

After viewing the website in the dream. We decided to play Dissidia Duodecim, yea, it's not release yet, and we're playing it, on a PC, through garena. Leave it up to dreams to make things weird.

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