Monday, October 4, 2010

Runny Nose

Having a runny nose today. Urgh. Couldn't concentrate in first class. The lecturer was briefing us about our 2nd assignment (yes, it was just last week we finished our first), when my nose started jogging. Before long, when the lecturer was showing us some tricks to photoshop, my nose was running. By second class, thankfully I finished my lab exercise pretty quickly, in like 15 minutes (yup, I was doing it when the lecturer was up there explaining a new syntax/code/watever). Then when the lecturer came checking my work, my nose started sprinting and tears came out of my right eye. Yup, only my right eye. The lecturer was saying that I cried because the question was too easy =_=. 

Lunchbreak came, and I was finally out from air-cond rooms. My nose was now doing a breeze walk, and soon slowed to pacing. Ate some delicious lunch, yea, sarcasm was there (the stuff I ate was tastely, no way I could tell). Yea, after lunch, went back to more class, and my nose was running faster than Usian Bolt. Water, yes water, not mucus, came to the edge each time I exhale. Both eyes were watery, and I had my right eye closed half the time, even when driving home.

So, that was my morning with runny nose. Went home, took some med, fb a bit, and I was back to 70%. 

At first I thought I "kam chan" or "kam tao" or whatever people call it. The sickness you get when you wear your wet shirt around, or you played under the rain for too long. I believe it's known as the Cold This was because my bones ached a bit, especially when showering under hot water. But now, I am not quite sure. Speaking of which, what exactly is the difference between flu, influenza and cold? What I used to think was flu was a sickness caused by virus, curable by letting it run its course. Influenza was a severe form of flu, one that might cause death. And cold was, as mentioned earlier, "kam chan". Wait...this stuff seems familiar...

*goes to dig into hard drive and find Lucky Star*...

10 minutes later

*goes to search video of Lucky Star episode 1*

watch 1:30 - 2:47 cold is without fever and watever, and influenza is fever, sore throat and all those. Still sticking to influenza is the upgraded version of cold. Hehe

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