Sunday, October 24, 2010

Dissidia Duodecim Dreams 2

Theres really no other I can put up for now....

I had a dream again, and this one made me so happy I woke up with a stupid grin. I wished I hadn't wake up at all. Glad I chose to go back to sleep when I first woke up at around 9, otherwise I wouldn't have this dream. Yea, I woke up at 11 today, so it ain't that long of a dream. You might ask, why share with us your dream? Well, first off, I feel its rather interesting, and I have stated in my very first post that this blog also serves as a sort of record for my life, so yeah.

Anyway, I was dreaming that I was playing the game on Christmas...woohoo, apparently it was released on December 19th. I wonder where the heck I got this date. But it's quite possible that it will be released in December since the North American version is due for a release in Q1 2011. So who knows? The first thing that came to mind when I play it was, the developers did a good job by changing the menus art and style so that it doesn't feel like the last Dissidia. The menus are way different, especially the character selection menu, where the first thing that came to mind when I reflected on it (after I woke up) was it felt more like generic fighting games as compared to the original Dissidia. In my dream, the characters are represented by the icons that are usually present when they fight (the circular one). Another thing I really want to see implemented is the ability to change costumes without accessing the Customization menu, especially with 3 costumes now.

In the dream, I also see a lot of new characters, almost doubling the rooster. I wish it was true. There was a Lightning with a weird nose with different skill set (the 3 other Paradigm) than the real Lightning, and a fake Gabranth/Basch wearing Basch's costume. This one. I realized this one when I woke up, but the thing that came to my mind in my dream was Gabranth, hence Gabranth/Basch. I played as this Gabranth/Basch, then Vaan. Vaan was wearing a different kind of costume than his FFXII's. I thought in my dream it was Amano, but upon waking up and googling, it was nothing like that. It was kinda like this FFTA2 outfit but only similar. Then I played as an Amano Tifa. White hair and red skirt rocks, in my dream at least. Then I played as some weird Dissidia-only character. An assassin of Chaos. Looks suspiciously like DotA's very own Templar Assassin. Along with her is a Paladin-ish Swordsman of Cosmos, who is the secret Warrior of Cosmos. This guy looks suspiciously like DotA's Dragon Knight. And these 2 are a part of 4 exclusive characters. Though I didnt play the other two, I didn't even see them. Maybe they are Cosmos and Chaos? But Chaos isn't from Dissidia is he? Man, I'm messed up. It would be cool to see Dissidia-exclusive characters, but i can only think of very big criticism on it by fans. They would want FF characters, not new ones.

I also remember playing as Sephiroth in a Chaos Destiny Odyssey, which seems to be the kind where there's only one storyline, and you pick who would wanna plan in it. I think it's unlikely, since storyline ain't gonna work. I was spamming Hell's Gate, and noticed Scintilla was missing.....odd, I just started, so of course I wouldnt access a level 10 skill. I also remember playing as...*drum rolls*...Cid Raines of FFXIII. I don't even really know that guy, except for the DVDs. But he spelled cool for me. Everything from the hair to the cloak to his moves and his Ex Mode. And the stage I played him on...*drum rolls*...Sunleth Waterscape...i think, or at least some sort of forest. Evil Forest maybe? Speaking of which, the stage I played Vaan on is a desert, maybe the one outside Rabanastre? Since that's the only place I've been in FFXII. And the camera feels more RPG-ish, following from behind, like it's stuck to your neck with a rod or something.

That's all I can remember, should have did this earlier, fresh from my dream even. more thing, I dreamed that new characters only get two alternates. Weird, when Tifa's official 2nd costume is the Advent Children one, but in my dream it's Amano's artwork. When is Square gonna announce a new character or new dreams are getting out of hand. And do please announce an exact date, or I would keep dreaming random dates like December 19....=.=...

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