Thursday, September 30, 2010

Assignment Deadlines

Yippee, oral presentation is over. That docks off one assignment from my very long list of school related "stress". Boo...I did pretty badly in the presentation. I was under the minimum time and struggled with a few words along the way. Worst still, my slides lack the luster found in other people's slides. To be blunt, it is bland. Just words, a few graphs and nothing else. Though I'm not sure what the lecturer's stand on slides are. It would seem that the slides need to be interesting, but not overly so that it is distracting. So I do know what to make of it.

Next up would be the Multimedia assignment. Man, do I hate it. Mainly because the lecturer keeps telling me my logos do not reflect the company's identity. I mean, how do you reflect fashion? Isn't fashion subjective in the first place. Wait. Isn't design subjective in the first place? Ah well... I think my T-Shirt design was pretty bland, even though it consisted of around half the marks of the assignment. I liked my "Opposing Words" design the best. Though again, I cant say what the lecturers like, since it really a matter of opinion. 

Following this would be a week of pressure. Tests are to follow the next week. That means Engineering Maths A and Programming II. By the way, why didnt they standardize it and make it Engineering Maths 1 or make it Programming B? Sheesh.... To tell you the truth, I havent been paying attention in EMA class lately, mainly due to the teacher focusing on a number of students, and leave the rest to kinda fend for themselves. Guess I don't have that ability to ask questions every time I come across a difficult problem.

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