Friday, February 18, 2011

One Piece 615, Bleach 437, Naruto 528

Hey, everyone, wish me luck for my finals tomorrow! I'm having trouble memorizing all those different dates, policy and features related to politics. Not my cup of tea if you asked me. History is suppose to be a study of interesting events, like World Wars, and read about people like Genghis Khan, Julius Ceasar or Alexander the Great. But, oh well, I'm stuck studying about Constitutions, Citizenship and Separation of Power...

One Piece 615

Okay, how is the Mato-mato a curse? I thought it was a devil fruit ability? Maybe it's because it cause Vander Decken to be unable to swim even though he is a Fishman. That and the appearance of Jimbei talking to an unknown person he calls Otohime is pretty much the only things that caught my interest in this chapter. Hodi Jones and Vander Decken bullying Hatchan and Hatchan arguing with them are really, really not my cup of tea. Something along the line of the old Fishman Pirates or Arlongs crew or something like that. Whatever. Glad to see Chopper still has that part of him, you'll know what I mean. And Robin and Franky, where are you?

War is coming, war is coming. I hope it will be something interesting. Hodi Jones + Vander Decken is assaulting Fishman Island, aiming to claim Ryuguu Palace. On the other hand, this Otohime, apparently the wife of Neptune and the mother of the Princes and Shirahoshi is at the Sea Forest, a place known as a grave. I wonder if Shirahoshi is heading there to meet her...but I guess she's dead. She caused some uproar 10 years ago with her ideals. Hmmm... interesting

Bleach 437

Hmm...Swastika Break...hang out, where the hell is the Swastika? All I see is a Manji, a reverse Swastika, other wise known as Sauwastika. Hmm...anyway, Ichigo has unleash his Fullbring power. He has turned his Shinigami Badge into a Big Manji symbol. Just what I thought Ichigo had discovered the Bleach equivalent of Rasenshuriken, he threw it, only to have it disappear. Hmm...failed Rasenshuriken? Guess not. Apparently, he has to touch the badge in order for his new found skill to work. He proceeds to make short work of the Mr Piggy.

Meanwhile, Inoue visits Sado's house and is attacked by someone. Guess the plot line is starting to thicken. I wonder who they are. I can't help but think that the Fullbringers are actually villain. Somehow. I mean look at Ginjou, he looks like a stinking replica of Aizen. Well, similar. Somehow, I doubt they are really "good" people. Somehow. 

Naruto 528

Oh well, my guess was wrong. Apparently being silent for too long is also a way to get sealed into the gourd. Darui realizes it and starts talking some nonsense. Arguing, if you well, with the Brothers about being the Right Arm of the Raikage. Bam, he gets sucked into the gourd. Guess what? Along the way of talking, he said something like "dull". It wasn't that clear in the english version, however, it should be a play of words. For example, he said something like "xxxd uller". Well, you get my drift. However, on the way into the gourd, he starts spouting some sorries. Sorry to Samui and Atsui. Saying sorry to the Raikage and a bunch of other sorries, leading to sorry becoming his most used word. The curse stops, and he fights one of the brothers, taking away his weapons and using them to seal him. The other brother gets angry, turning to a seemingly six-tailed form of the Kyuubi. He runs amok. Kakuzu states that it has been a long time since he has see that brother turning mad ad reckons that someone has defeated Ginkaku.

Quite the epic battle, but I'm still more hopeful of looking at other battles, but knowing Kishimoto, he'll probably end one fight before starting another. I wonder how Darui knew that Kinkaku looked just like the Kyuubi? I mean, did he ever see it? Regardless, he was only half right, since the real Kyuubi was nothing like that, rather the Six Tailed form of Naruto.

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