Friday, February 4, 2011

One Piece 613, Naruto 526, Bleach 435

It's been a pretty uneventful Chinese New Year. The usual visits coupled with the usual handshakes, conversation and so on. I actually spend the first day playing games and the second day watching anime. Not a good thing to do, but it was better than laying around waiting for someone whom you would probably only see once a year.

So anyway, mangas... they, I'm afraid, is also pretty much uneventful...with the exception of One Piece I guess...

One Piece 613

Yea, about that visit to King Neptune's Palace? Yup, that was a trap. Give yourselves a thumbs up if you guessed it. It would seem like the King brought them to the Palace in order to put them into the Palace prisons due to the fact of the prophecy and the disappearing mermaids. Fish brains! 

On another side, Vander Decken IX is properly introduced with an ability. Devil fruit? Guess not, since he is a fishman afterall. But the name does sounds so Mato Mato. It is a target ability that allows Vander Decken to hit with whatever he throws to whatever he targets. He than proceeds to demonstrate this ability by sending an axe to kill Shirahoshi, the Mermaid Princess. She is saved by Luffy, and in turns helps Luffy by hiding him from the Palace Guards. The other Straw Hats fending off capture by fighting the Palace Guards. Luffy that invites Shirahoshi to come out of the Tower where she has been locked into for 10 years because of Vander Decken's ability. Vander Decken also meets up with Hody Jones and they become allies to overthrow King Neptune. I wonder why Vander Decken doesn't just go ahead and kill the King?

Naruto 526

The epic battle of Kages failed to deliver. Instead, we are treated to small confrontations, namely Kankuro's team facing off Chiyo, Hanzo, Kimimaro and some guy unknown to me. Darui also shows off his Storm Element and Black Lightning thing. Ginkaku and Kinkaku, the Pseudo-Jinchuuriki Brothers, (that's what I'm calling them.), recognize Darui as the heir of the Third Raikage's technique. And Darui is about to let himself loose. There is also some Hyuuga Hiashi vs Hyuuga Hizashi action, Choza vs Dan and some Hyuuga Neji + Hyuuga Hinata combo. Elsewhere, the Mizukage and her team are moving the feudal lords after fending off an attack from Black Zetsu. Unknown to them however, Zetsu has fused with the land and is watching their every move. Also the Tsuchikage has arrived to the scene, gearing up for some Kage battle.

The titular character has been missing in action for quite a while.

Bleach 435

That picture pretty sums up how I feel about this chapter. Ridiculous.

Anyway, Ichigo is shoved into a dollhouse and is fighting a doll with a Yakuza Lord's soul inside. The Yakuza Lord has to kill Ichigo in 15 minutes or he is forever trapped in the doll. Riruka chatters on about Fullbring, something about love yadaddada... Sado returns and tells Ichigo to use his Shinigami Substitute badge as the item to use for Fullbring. 15 minutes is up, and the doll turns berserk. The end. 

Hopefully next week will offer some better chapters.

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