Friday, February 11, 2011

Naruto 527, Bleach 436, One Piece 614

Mangas this week. I've realized that after I got into reading these mangas, I seldom watch the anime anymore. Some people might find that mangas are hard to read, due to the lack of animation and color, personally, i feel mangas are more interesting, mostly because they are free of stupid fillers. Each to his own, I guess.

Naruto 527

Of all the battles that might happened, this was one battle that I was not hyped for, which is most probably the same for everyone, and the reason Kishimoto chose to do this battle first. Samui, Atsui and Darui are up agains the Gold and Silver brothers. Apparently, they are the most reviled criminals in the Hidden Cloud's history, attempting a Coupe d'etat when the Second Hokage met with the Second Raikage to arrange a peace treaty. Although defeated, they left the Second Hokage half dead. They also wield 4 of the 5 ultimate ninja weapons the Hidden Cloud possess, used together, they cast a curse on a person. When the person utters the word he speaks the most (his "Secret Word"), he is soul is sucked out into the Gourd. Atsui utters "hot" and gets done in. Samui utters nothing, but when Darui mentions her name, she gets sucked in too. Whether it had anything to do with Darui mentioning her name, or she just got sucked in because of the brothers remains a mystery. By the way, Samui is "cool" in japanese, and is her "Secret Word". The curse is also placed on Darui, who knows his word is "dull". The action will continue next week.

Oh, I forgot to mentioned. The two brothers got swallowed by the Nine Tails Fox, and were in his stomach for 2 weeks before they were spitted out because of the problems they caused for the Fox. In exchange, they acquired some amount of the Nine Tails' chakra. Pretty stupid way, but it did allow them to wield the previously mentioned weapons.

Bleach 436

Ichigo learned Fullbring. End of Story. Next.

Anyway, on a serious note. Giriko reveals his Fullbring to be related to the control of time. Or timer really. He sets timers on certain with certain requirements. When set, even he himself cannot undo it. Anyone who breaks the timer, get engulf in the Flames of Time by the God of Time. If Shinigamis were Gods, who is the God of Time? Jeez...I think this kind of question (namely Shinigamis being gods or something) was asked once in the Bleach universe, forgot where though.

In the dollhouse, Ichigo wonders how to use the Shinigami Substitute badge to activate his Fullbring. Sado goes on to say "Pride". He continues spewing out about his skin being his Fullbring "item". How he is so proud of it. I guess Orihime is also using Fullbring with her hair clips. Who knows? Tite Kubo maybe? I'm seriously considering dropping Bleach, but I'll wait, see what happens after this arc.

One Piece 614

The Straw Hats make short work of the Palace Guard, tying up King Neptune. They carry on to argue about how best to proceed with this predicament. The 3 princes return and the Straw Hats there requested them to bring their other crewmates back to the palace and prepare the Sunny for departure. The princes obliged, and delivers Jimbei's message to them. 1.) Do not fight with Hodi Jones. 2.)He's at the Sea Forest. They then leave to get Chopper and Sanji who are at the Mermaid Cafe. Rumor has also spread out about the King being held hostage and they wonder about the "evil" acts of the Straw Hat crew. Chopper proceeds to defend Sanji from the princes with his new point "Kung Fu" point, where he becomes very wide.

On the other side, Luffy persuades Shirahoshi to leave the Tower, asking her where she wants to go. She replied the Sea Forest. oooooo. Anyway, Vander Decken sends more projectiles which makes loud noises and the King request the Straw Hats to investigate. They discover that Vander Decken has thrown in human pirates and Shirahoshi and Luffy are leaving, with Shirahoshi hiding in Megalo. Literally. 

It's interesting to see how this will play out. So till next week, signing out, NiteAura.

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