Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Countdown to Duodecim 3: Prishe and more

Been pretty messed up lately, just realized I totally missed last week's Countdown to Duodecim. With all the midterm tests preparation last week, history and morals...urgh... and preparation for Chinese New Year this week...ungahh!!! For those of you who do not know, Chinese New Year is a day the Chinese celebrate for the coming of a new year base on the Lunar Calendar. We clean our houses, probably what most people would know as Spring Cleaning. We also give away stuff like cookies, cakes and red packets (ang pau) and we receive them back again. Pretty redundant really. But it is all done in the name of relationship between "long lost" relatives. By the way, it's tomorrow.

Anyway, back on topic, not much news on Duodecim lately, I tried to dig up what I missed last week, but nothing much really. There are a few interesting ones though. FEW. 

First off, we have Prishe being officially revealed. Sadly, not much is given about her movesets, except that she is going to be a fighter. Didn't we know that already? We are shown her EX-Burst, but translation have yet to surface about what it actually is. Speaking of which, it has been confirmed that she will be voiced by none other than famous voice actress Aya Hirano. Here I was thinking she was done with voice acting. Hasn't she supposedly quited voice acting to join the entertainment show biz? I wonder what her former fans are gonna make of this. I, for one, is glad that she is joining the pretty much star studded game.

Wait? What? Dissidia is star studded?

Well, yea, in terms of the Japanese voice acting industry. We have: Romi Paku as Zidane (Hitsugaya Toushiro, Bleach), Akira Ishida as Kuja (Gaara, Naruto) and a few others. They have done a lot of voice acting, those mentioned are more recent popular (to me) animes.

So anyway, I have taken the liberty of including Prishe movesets here. They were found by some of the people at dissidia forums when they looked around into Prologus.

Howling Fist (start)
Dragon Kick (start)
Shoulder Tackle (start)
Backhand Blow (start)
Spinning Attack (start)
Raging Fists (start)
One Inch Punch (start)

Howling Fist (Second Phase)
Dragon Kick (Second Phase)
Shoulder Tackle (Second Phase)
Backhand Blow (Second Phase)
Spinning Attack (Second Phase)
Raging Fists (Second Phase)
One Inch Punch (Second Phase)

Asuran Fist
Auroral Uppercut
Nullifying Dropkick

Ex-Mode: Prishe EX Burst [Shining Five] (or Dazzling/Brilliant)
EX Effect [Hundred Fists] Given the ability to link 3 WS's(Weapon Skills) together. It also increases your speed.

looks good. I expect the Second Phase part is her chaining up her combos, as she is known as the Combo Maker.

Prishe aside, we are also informed that on February 21, a DLC costume for Squall will be revealed. Many fans will be hoping for either his Kingdom Hearts II outfit or his FFVIII default. There are other costumes which might also be made a DLC so it could be anything. Here's hoping it well be his KHII outfit.

Vaan 3P is also revealed. But then again it was "revealed" when Prologus was released. See it here.

There has also been an announcement of a Custom Quest thing. It would seem like players can create quests for other players play. Like making a Wall Rush win battle or something along the lines. It's quite interesting, considering the possibilities. 

That's all for today, reunion dinner is tonight. So I'll be logging off now for a nice nap. Till next time, bye.

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