Friday, January 14, 2011

One Piece 610, Naruto 523, Bleach 433

Hey all, I was actually thinking about reviewing a manga a week for Fridays, but then it hit me that I would not have the time to read mangas to do reviews, besides, I like the way it was, so back to it it will be. Though I might add some more weekly mangas to the list, at least once I read them up to date, candidates may include D.Gray-Man, Fairy Tail and Claymore, haven't really decided yet. It could be that it will never happen. Who knows?

One Piece 610

Nothing much note worthy in the early parts of the chapter. Sanji gets his blood transfusion from two Okamas Fishmen. And the starfish, Pappug, taking Luffy and the gang to tour around the island. We are introduced to female Fishmen and male Merman. I always thought that the female species was Mermaids and the male was Fishmen. I don't recall any female Fishmen or male Mermans. They are also reunited with Brook. They meet the owner of the cafe, Shirley, who can predict the future and is always correct. 

Also, there is something about the captain of the Flying Dutchman wooing the princess of Fishmen Island, leading to the Princes gathering an army or something. By the way, the current captain is the descendant of the legendary pirate Van der Decken, Van der Decken XI. Unique name. Which brings me to this...I was always under the impression that Davy Jones was the captain of the Flying Dutchman. So I did a little research. Save to say that Vanderdecken(means of the deck) and Davy Jones could possibly one and the same person.

Oh yeah, the highlight of the chapter. Shirley predicts the destruction of Fishmen Island at the hand of Luffy. I am sensing a battle between Luffy and Charlotte Lilin, otherwise known as Big Mam, one of the four Emperors, and the current protector of Fishmen Island. Or maybe it's just a battle with Van der Decken or something. Whatever.

Naruto 523

As the title of the chapter says, so it delivers. Most of the chapter is packed with the introduction of each of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist and their respective swords. THIS I LIKE. Have I ever told you I go gaga very time a novel/film/anime/manga has Swordsmen and Named Swords? Especially when the Swords of unique abilities. I first went gaga over Seven Swords, a Mandarin Film, only to get disappointed. The film doesn't actually show you it's ability. I hope the Naruto is not the same, especially after such a brilliant introduction. 

Kubikiribocho - more commonly known as Executioner's Blade. Sword of Zabuza. Aside from the sick moves it can do with the curve and hole, it can also regenerate by using iron absorbed from the blood of it's victims.

Samehada - needs no introduction really. Currently owned by Killer Bee, formerly Kisame and Fuguki Suikazan. Shreds instead of cut, and absorbs chakra. It is unknown whether anyone other than Kisame can merge with it to become a shark-like creature. Seems like Fuguki was killed by Kisame for leaking out information. Presumably ordered by Madara via Yagura, the Fourth Mizukage, who Madara controlled, effectively making him the "real" Mizukage. 

Hiramekarei - Double-handed sword that is capable of creating a hammer form using chakra. Owned by Chojuro, presumably formerly owned by Hozuki Mangetsu.

Kiba - Twin swords that can use lightning to increase their cutting power. Also can use some sort of Lightning  strike, as seen in the anime when wielded by Raiga Kurosuki. Formerly wielded by Ameyuri Ringo. I'm kinda glad Kishimoto decided to stick with Kiba, even though it was a filler thing.

Kabutowari - A single sided axe and hammer joined together with a chain. Hardly a sword though. Able to break through any defense, by striking it with the axe, and hammering the axe with the hammer. Wielded by Jinin Akebino. This guy looks like a Rock village guy to me.

Nuibari - A long katana with a needle and long thin wires. Pierce enemies and sew them together. Owned by Kushimaru Kuriare.

Homatsu - explosive sword. The sword is full of explosive tags which blast the enemy to oblivion. Owned by Jinpachi Munashi.

Apparently, Raiga aside, all known Seven Swordsmen members have fruit-derived names and sharpened teeth. I seriously, I though Mangetsu died before he could join the Seven Swordsmen, leading to Suigetsu demoralize. And Mangetsu mastered all Seven Swords? I wonder how he would do that. The others doesn't seem to me to be answering okay to "Hey, can I borrow your sword?". Especially Samehada. How old is he?To be a previous generation Swordsmen. Must be really old, if he had lived. What does that make Suigetsu? Was he preserved in the lab?

Bleach 433

Blah, blah, blah. Those guys are humans with hollow-like powers whose parents were attacked by Hollow when their mothers were pregnant. I guess the same case goes to Sado. Something about them needing a human with Shinigami powers to take away their powers. Surprise, surprise, Ichigo ain't the first one to find them. Though I think he is the first one with human+Shinigami+Hollow powers. Why would they want that? To live normal lives? I think they can pretty much live normal lives with their powers, unless of course, their powers attract hollows. Well, they just have to deal the hollow living in them, like Ichigo dealt with his Shirosaki Hichigo.

And the part when that girl with the eye problem (don't remember the name) shined the light on Ichigo. I laughed. No, not because the part itself was funny. But it was something that Kubo said a while before, and someone compared with some other anime characters. Seriously, I was laughing my ass off.

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