Thursday, January 20, 2011

Countdown to Duodecim 2: SE 1st Production Department Premier and more

It's been a few days since Square Enix's 1st Production Department Premier (formerly known as Fabula Nova Crystallis Conference), and dust have settled. Rumors and truth have now been distinguished, and it's time to write about it. I think. So let's kick things off with some none Duodecim stuff, like Fabula Nova Crystallis(FNC) and Kingdom Hearts 3D.

So, Kingdom Hearts 3D is one of the first Square Enix game for the upcoming Nintendo 3DS, if not the first. Obviously, the console boast 3D graphics as well as the usual suspect of the Nintendo DS. What I would want to know though, is not about the game, which features Sora and Riku as player characters, is why Square Enix decided to turn the 3D part into an acronym, and in my honest opinion, not the best words either. Introducing, Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. Drop is apparently part of the new gameplay. But still, Kingdom Heart series names are turning from cool (Chains of Memory) to weird (358/2 Days) to lame (Dream Drop Distance).

Next up is the FNC series. There is a new addition to the Compilation. Square Enix introduces a short trailer of Final Fantasy XIII-2. Although some people are saying that Square Enix is just trying to build on the sales of Final Fantasy XIII and is repeating the same mistake they made in Final Fantasy X-2, personally, I am quite excited about the possibilities of this game. Much of the potential world of Final Fantasy XIII is left untouched, especially with the no town, all linearity thing that was going on. The battle system needs a bit of an upgrade which can see it being turned from good to just damn awesome. Although it would seem like Lightning, Vanille and Fang might be the only returning characters. And their is a new male lead. God, I hate Snow! We shall see when time comes.

Also, Final Fantasy Agito XIII is now known as Final Fantasy Type-0. Aside from the name change, what we know of it remains largely the same. It would seem like it is no longer part of the FNC Compilation, and is looking to kick off a new Compilation with the names Type-1, Type-2, and Type-3 already registered by Square. It will also become the first dual UMD PSP game to be released outside Japan, and only the second to release in two UMDs. At least someone beats them to it. It will be released sometime is coming Summer, so save up some cash as this game is looking good, and in my opinion, better than Versus XIII.

Versus, Versus, Versus. I do not know what all the hype about this game is about. Sure, it might be the first Action-RPG of the Final Fantasy Main Series. Sure, it is about a Prince called Noctis. And that is probably all we know for now. Though it may be because I dont have a PS3, so... Also, I must stressed that I AM interested in this game, just not hyping over it as much as Duodecim or Type-0. So the trailer, we get to hear Noctis's voice and see some more gameplay. 

Now to the main star of the day. Dissidia 012: Final Fantasy, or as I like to call it, Duodecim. The trailer shows the inclusion of Prishe as a new representative for Final Fantasy XI, Cosmos or Chaos, remains to be seen, though I am inclined to believe that she is a Cosmos Warrior, since her artwork shows her facing left. Also, Gilgamesh is hinted to be included in the game, and later confirmed as hackers hacked the pay to download demo of Duodecim, Dissidia 012 Prologus: Final Fantasy, which I will be covering later. He remains to be the only Chaos Warrior to be revealed, and might potentially be the last addition to the game. Also, if you did purchase a copy of Prologus, you will be able to obtain a DLC of Aerith as an assist-only character. Which means there might very well be many assist-only characters. The possibilities are endless. 

Now to the contains of the trailer itself. We learned in Jump Festa that Jecht is a Warrior of Cosmos, with him turning to Chaos as part of the ploy of the Emperor. It is also hinted that Tidus might be a Warrior of Chaos, as Jecht is seen arguing with him, and Yuna steps in to help Jecht. My knowledge of the Japanese language is limited, but it would seem like Tidus is also part of the "Memory Loss" plot. There is also an ongoing theory that all characters who received a wardrobe change in cutscenes have changed allegiance. This seems to be true for Jecht and quite possibly Terra, which leads to speculation that Cloud and Tidus have also gone over to Chaos, as they are mysteriously absent during the gathering of Cosmos Warriors. The Chess Board system apparently makes an upgraded return with it looking more...i guess stylish might be the word.

It would seem like this will be the final box art, since it is displayed in the Square Enix official site. Over the course of next month, we might see additional characters added to the assemble. At the back, there is the description of a 5 vs 5 system, which if it is what I think it is in Prologus, it is basically fighting from 5-9 battles. I'm at a loss how to describe it. Basically 1st characters of each team duke it out. Loser leaves, winner stays to battle the next character, and so on. Until all characters from a single side is KO-ed.

The picture above is the box art of the official soundtrack. It is slightly different from the above box art. It has Yuna standing next to Lightning. So the final box art of the game and the soundtrack will possibly be like this, with additional characters for each new character revealed.

I serious do not know why the picture turned to it's side. It was straight before I uploaded it. Anyway, the above is the Famitsu scan. Mostly revealing information we already know, namely Yuna, her skill and Jecht and Tidus's alternates. Kinda disappointing if you ask me. 

Update: apparently that was not all, we can also see Kuja, Zidane and Lightning's 3rd alt. Lightning kawaii desu~~

I'll be posting the 3rd Alternates of all officially revealed characters and the 2nd Alternate of Yuna in the coming post.

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