Friday, February 25, 2011

Naruto 529, Bleach 438, One Piece 616

Ahh...the first week of semester has ended. The tormenting second week is about to begin. The week where assignments are released and lectures starts fully. I should really shift up a gear in expectations of next week, but somehow can't find the motivation to do so. Enough about my probably crappy next week, lets start off with the mangas.

Naruto 529

Finally, we catch a glimpse of the ever elusive titular character. Naruto appears, if only for one page. Still, it seems that he has become aware that something is wrong. On the battlefield, Darui faces off with Kinkaku, with the aid of another secret ninja weapon and the help of Shika-Ino-Chou Jr. Meat tank + Shadow mimic + Mind transfer, the usual servings. They get Kinkaku to reply to Darui, which leads him to be sealed inside the Amber Pot. That was it actually, somehow, it felt longer when I read it, hmmm. We also got a glimpse of Asuma as the Shika-Ino-Chou team went to aid Darui.

It is almost guaranteed that next week will feature Shika-Ino-Chou vs Asuma. Since next week's title is along the lines of Shikamaru's Asuma. I also hope that Naruto will realized what's really going on soon and maybe fight off all the resurrected Jinchuurikis. That would be an epic battle indeed.

Bleach 438

Ichigo succeeds in using his Fullbring and is ready to be set free from the dollhouse. Method? Riruka sneezes on it. Urgh! Ichigo and Mr Piggy gets covered in what I think is mucus. The old Yakuza guy is also freed from inside Mr Piggy. Some pointless chatter and Rukia thingie and the scene shifts to Inoue. She is about to be attacked by some noob guy. That's seriously the first thing I thought about what I say him. Somehow, I also pictured him as sounding like Yoshidayama from School Rumble. Anyway, he gets distracted by Inoue's beauty, and tells her he was the one to beat Ishida. Inoue's aura changes, which allows noob guy to think he can actually take her on. That's when noob guy's boss appears and declares he was the one to do Ishida in. Hmm....

It would be interesting to see how Inoue cope with this, or someone would rescue her. I doubt it though, as likely candidates aren't around. The only ones I can think of are Isshin and Ryuken. So I guess she's alone. Hope she shows some new techniques with her powers.

One Piece 616

Vander Decken and Hodi Jones has reached Fishman Island and are assaulting Ryuguu Palace only to find that the King and his ministers are already held captive. However, they are unable to find Shirahoshi, whereby Vander Decken throws a coral and rides on it, only to find her having fun with Luffy. He decides that if she doesn't want him, he will kill her.

Robin and Franky finally makes an appearance. With Robin escaping some imperial soldiers and boarding a train. She discovered that Fishman Island has a poneglyph. Franky on the other hand is in the Sea Forest, along with Tom's younger brother, Den. Franky comments on high different they look, to which Den explains why. He also asks Franky if he had a Robot ancestor. They are putting the finishing touches on the Thousand Sunny as well as doing the coating. I guess Luffy and Franky would meet up at the Sea Forest, but not before a fight against Vander Decken. I also have an feeling it will be Zoro vs Hodi Jones, if it does happen. 

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