Thursday, February 24, 2011

Countdown to Duodecim 6: One More Week!

Hi one and all, with have one more week until the launch of Dissidia 012: Final Fantasy.'s next Thursday. Yippee. I can hardly contain my excitement. I can't imagine I actually followed a game from announcement to launch, with a few weeks exception in between (exams and stuff), but yea, that's amazing. Congratulations, I think. That's the word I should be telling myself. Yea, that's it.

Anyways, in this week's Famitsu, all has been revealed. Well, mostly anyway, Gilgamesh and both his alternates, as well as 2nd alternates of Prishe, Yuna, Bartz and ExDeath. Yummy. I guess I said what I thought of Yuna, Bartz and ExDeath's alternates before. Read it here. I wouldn't exactly call Prishe's alternate as daring, really. It looks good though, and I probably be sticking to this alternate. It give her that sort vibe. I think it fits well with her role as a bare fist fighter in Duodecim.

As for Gilgamesh's alternate, some how, I half expected a golden armor (Fate/Stay Night), but I guess it's not to be. FFVIII and Sprite Form for his alternates. I'm sure glad that they made that Sprite Form alternate, since the Polka dot pants are killing me. Needless to say, I'm sticking to Sprite Gilgy. Also, someone mentioned somewhere about Gilgamesh's face permanently stuck in X3 mode. 

We also get to see Gilgamesh's Ex Mode from what-if-I-remember-correctly-is Dengeki. He sprouts 6 arms and takes on multiple weapons. Those are the weapons that are mentioned in the previous week's Countdown to Duodecim, stuff like Battle Axe, Chicken Knife and Excalipoor. 

Also, a day before Duodecim release, there will be a short of live countdown where the developers will reveal all things, including the possibly of a new character and a new stage. That "Who's that Pokemon?" scan above shows a character will soon be revealed. I wonder who? Bahamut maybe (sarcasm)? What the heck, only a three year old, or someone who haven't seen this before will think it is anything but Desperado Chaos.

There are also several gameplay videos that are around.

A look at the World Map system, although it is written in Japanese though. Anyone else notice that Tidus is around Warrior of Light? What's more, he's wearing his FFX clothes. Hmm... Suspicious.

There also this Yuna vid. She sounds like a frigging pokemon trainer, shouting the Summon's name each time she summons them. Like Shiva, I choose you! Or something. I think I mentioned this before, but I really like the way her Ex Burst plays out. The shrinking circles, the dancing and the summons. Sweet.

Holy... Prishe looks cool, I gotta say. Her Ex Burst rocks. I like the visual part of it, although some might say it's just another omnipunch or something. As for Empryeal Paradox, I think it's kinda bland and spacey. I like spacey, but bland...urgh.. They could at least do something like what they did to Order's Sanctuary. Add some environment stuff.

Gilgamesh's fans are gonna be disappointed, since his butt basically gets kicked by Bartz. Furthermore, we did not get to his Ex Mode, let alone Ex Burst.

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