Friday, April 22, 2011

Naruto 536, Bleach 445, One Piece 622

Oh my, time does fly doesn't it? In a week and a month's time, I would be finished with the first semester of my first year in degree. That's fast. It's like a blink of an eye. And these 5 weeks will be pretty jammed with study sessions and most importantly, it will be filled up with assignments. So don't worry if I miss a week or two's post, no I'm not dead, I'm just not free. Teehee.

Naruto 536

Oh my holy whatever, Madara has entered the fray. MA-DA-RA has entered the fray. Let me repeat. MA-DA-RA has entered the fray. Oh, did I mentioned that Madara entered the fray? On the other side, Naruto and Bee are also on their way to join in the fray. So much for the self-regenerating barrier. And that commander. He's lame, what can I say? But it was quite appropriate, considering the tense situation in previous chapters. Mizukage and her team are trying to protect the feudal lords, though Madara no longer needs them, however, he still attacks the area in order to separate the forces. Divide and conquer. And would you believe it? Zetsu actually called Madara Tobi...again. I was half expecting Madara to say something along the lines of "Don't ever say that name again". Anyway, Madara said something about a substitution. I take this to mean a substitute for his body, but it could mean anything. Either way, he enters the fray just as the Shinobis take down the Zetsus and the Zombies. He summons the King of Hell statue, in full body form. And battle is about to begin. Woohoo! Can't wait for the next chapter...

Why is it not here yet!

Bleach 445

Oh man, Ichigo acting all cool one moment and getting his ass handed to him the next must be the most enjoyable experience since the start of Bleach's decline. Everyone is a dumbass in this chapter. From that Jackie all beaten up on the floor, to Riruka shouting about some gas explosion, to Sado talking in front of Ichigo about a secret he wants to be kept from Ichigo, and well, the main event himself - Ichigo. This chapters only saving grace is perhaps the prelude to a fight between Ginjo and Tsukishima. It would be a downer if the fight doesn't happen, with Tsukishima giving some lame excuse, and save his sword for another day. I can totally see that happening and sincerely hope it will not be so. 

If I learned anything about this chapter, is that Fullbring is a total fraud. At least for Ichigo it is. It is a masked put over his usual abilities. In other words, he has the same abilities, just different names. Hack, even Sado notices it. Fullbring on air = Shunpo? Shrouded in Fullbring = Bankai? I won't be surprise if a shock wave attack comes next. Anyway, isn't Fullbring suppose to be usable only with the objects on holds dearest? So how is air dear to Ichigo? Sure, we breath it everyday and all, but serious? Don't tell me it's the boots either. Because that would be even weirder. 

One Piece 622

Sitting down here and thinking of what to write about this chapter, I have come to realize there is not much going on. Otohime goes on with her pursue for signature while the Sunny Pirates continue to roam the seas. A young Hodi Jones is also shown, together with several other young Fishmen. The Sunny Pirates fight some marines, however, Fisher Tiger reprimands Arlong and Jimbei, telling them not to kill, least they become like humans. Fisher Tiger intends to uphold this vow of not taking a life. He wants Otohime's ideal, but the demons in his heart prevents him to do so. (I don't know how to put that into words, so it might come off as odd..) As the chapter ends, Fisher Tiger is assigned to a human kid back to his home. He teaches the kid to drop off his slave habits and the kid ends up crying for the first time in many years. I have to say, this flashback really interests me, although I still can't see what it has to do with the present, yet.

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