Saturday, April 2, 2011

Naruto 533, One Piece 619, Bleach 442

Argh, just passed one assignment up yesterday, and two tests coming up the week after next. Sometimes University life can be full of fun and carefree-ness. Others, its jam pack with deadlines. Assignments, test and what not. I guess the best thing about uni studies is this - you send everything you learn this semester into the recycle bin. No use really, unless it has a continuing subject, part 2 or something. And when that happens, just restore it from the recycle bin. Where as secondary school life, remember, remember, remember, pour out at the public exams. Then hit permanent erase. Anyways, on to mangas this week....

Naruto 533

What do you know, Asuma really poke at Chouji's weight issues. Although to no effect, since Chouji has lost his will to fight. Although this chapter might come off as boring to most, I feel that it is quite the opposite. Chouji's lost will and how the team, and his father helps him recovers it. Pretty emotion-filled. I think sometimes I am like that. Thinking everything will just fall into place without me lifting a single finger, but life is not like that though. Often there is something is must do to make something happen. Hmm.... Back on topic, Chouji regains his will to fight, and like a butterfly breaking out of his cocoon, he unleashes his wings. Literally. And already, he's looking slim. In case you don't remember, this skill of Chouji's makes him slim. I wonder how the armor is still in place...

One Piece 619

Okay.... Those steroid-ish pills that the fishmen are taking looks much more than steroids. For one thing, I though Hodi Jones was out for the count. Fainted and all. But guess what, a single pill and bam, he's a mean killing machine. Oh yeah, this chapter is also packed with funny moments. Neptune's comments on Brooke and Jimbei's reaction to Luffy, Shirahoshi and Hatchan. This chapter totally changed my opinion of Jimbei. Twice. Jimbei's reaction was one, and the other was him revealing he was the one who sent Arlong to the East Blue. I wonder what changed him, or if he really was changed. Hmm.... thought to ponder. Neptune's bid to save the remaining Straw Hats are pretty brave. Also, I wondering with this is an on-going trend, or it was already like this, but seems to me that most Straw Hat's location are only known through talk. Like Robin being in the Corals, or when they first arrived at Sabaody, somebody would say this guy was here... Maybe the anime can make use of this and extend those parts...

Bleach 442

Satellite lock on. Enemy foot located! Or at least that was the impression I get when I looked at the chapter title page. Nothing much going on. Some guy complaining about Riruka to Ginjou. Jackie and Ichigo prepares to duke out. Jackie's fullbring revealed to be her clothes? Or was it just the boots? I got the impression that it was the boots, but Ichigo's words seemed to make it like it was the clothes. Oh yeah, and Tsukishima commenting, or should I say pondering, on who to take out next, claiming that Inoue is already taken care off. That sword seems to be something different. Assuming he took out Ishida with it, the damage between Ishida and Inoue is far different. I'm starting to think that it plays tricks with the mind. Maybe some person strongest thoughts or emotions? For example Ishida's was violence, getting rid of hollows and the like, as for Inoue, she was thinking about friends, hence getting the idea of Tsukishima as a friend. Just speculation, but I have that feeling.

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