Friday, March 18, 2011

One Piece 618, Bleach 441, Naruto 532

I was kinda worried that we wouldn't be getting any mangas this week, with all that's happened in Japan. Let us observe moment of silence. 

Truth be told, the first time I heard about the earthquake and tsunami, I was thinking, I hope Nobuo Uematsu did not die in that disaster. Next thing I thought of was whether Final Fantasy Type-0 and Final Fantasy Versus XIII was gonna get postponed. And finally, my thought reach whether the mangakas were hurt in the disaster. Thinking like this made me feel kinda sad. Why? Because my thoughts would probably the same thoughts for a lot of people around the World, especially those without any acquaintances there. It goes to show that Japan, a great economical power, a respectable nation that advance so quickly is so short a time was thought only as a producer of great video games and manga/anime. Kinda sad fact though. Enough about those gloomy stuff, like us go on to One Piece...woohoo...

P.S: I wonder how many others actually worried about the safety of AV Idols...>_> (One of my friends did...)

One Piece 618

Just a short recap of what happened last chapter. Hodi Jones was gonna vs Zoro and Luffy was in trouble because he was thought by the villagers to have kidnapped Shirahoshi. This chapter concentrated mainly on Luffy's problem. Well, and Sanji's problem I guess. Seems like he has stop nose bleeding every time he sees a pretty gal. This time, he gets petrify. Like Harry Potter Basilisk petrify. Chopper theorizes that is has something to do with the Okama blood in him. In case you don't remember, some Okamas donated blood for him when he was having massive blood loss through nosebleed.

As for Luffy vs Villagers, it didn't really happened. The villagers tied him up and prepares to behead him when Vander Decken comes to propose to Shirahoshi. Luffy defends her and knocks up Vander Decken. Shirahoshi proceeds to release Luffy and they (Sanji and the rest in tow, I think) march off to Sea Forest. Elsewhere, Nami and Keimi also heads there as Nami figures out something about Hodi. Back at the palace, Zoro APPARENTLY finish Hodi off in one blow. "Apparently" because I think there is more to it than that. Pills maybe? If Nami had not gone of to say what she said, I might have accepted Vander Decken and Hodi being noobs. But...well...we'll see...

Bleach 441

Did I ever said I liked Bleach's unique ways of displaying the chapter names? I think I did. Well back to the story. I beginning to think that Unagiya is not gonna be just another bystander. Somehow. I mean why introduce her? And that suddenly bringing her into the picture out of no where? Sure, Ichigo goes to ask for a break. But somehow, one way or another, I think that part has more to it than just that. Call it a hunch. Anyways, after visiting Unagiya, Ichigo has a flash back of conversing with Ginjou about Tsukishima. Apparently he was Xcution's former leader, and betrayer. No surprise there. After the flashback, Ichigo spots Isshin meeting in secret with Urahara and begins to doubt Urahara's intentions. I reason I sorta like Urahara is because he feels like he's not sharing all he knows, guess Ichigo finally has the brains to realize that. Deciding not to confront them, Ichigo also decides to focus more on his training. This time, in an aquarium against Jackie. What that training is about, we are still left in the dark.

Naruto 532
Wow, Hanzo's dying portray actually made me feel something. Not sad, or touch or crying, but it sorta...I can't describe it... It felt satisfying in a way. In a good way, not bad, really. Complete might be a word to describe it. I don't know. It definite felt better than, say, Kisame or Itachi's death. I think Kishimoto might have a knack for death scenes. Now that I think about, most death scenes in Naruto were, in my opinion, quite well done (hack, even nobodies like Kakuzu died well, the only exception to this might be Hidan, though technically, he is not dead). By nobodies I mean, supportive roles, not like nobodies like J or say, Orochimaru's prisoners. It has, I daresay, lead to too much of it.

Back on topic, Hanzo recalls back to the time he defeated Mifune. Explaining some of his background. Like why he wears that gas mask. Telling Mifune that for a man to die, it is not the end. The end is why one man looses his faith. I think that struck a chord in me. Have to have faith in what I believe in. Yea! Erm, off track again. Realizing that he has lost sight of his original goal, Hanzo, sort of repents, I guess. Piercing the venom sac in his left abdomen, allowing Mifune to seal him. 

On the other end, seems like Asuma has retained much of his mind, as he orchestrates his defeat. But Chouji's emotions get the better of him, and he is unable to deal a final blow. To be continued.... If I was Asuma, I would poke fun of Chouji's weight issues. That seemed to be the thing that angered him back in the days. Or maybe act evil or something. Force their hands against me. Well, I'm not Asuma, so...

Till next week, sayonara!

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