Friday, March 11, 2011

Naruto 531, One Piece 617, Bleach 440

  I've been thinking lately of how to improve my blog. How I can actually have more visitors that actually come to read something instead of just dropping by to check things out. Blog traffic has been on the increase the few months, which I think is rightly accredited to the Countdown to Duodecim series, which has quite sadly, ended. Now that it has ended, I am back to my usual routine, which MIGHT, and I stress MIGHT, mean lower blog traffic. Hmm...I wonder what I should do...teehee... Anyways, back to business.

Naruto 531

Thought so, Samurai vs Shinobi showdown has begun, prior to the Ino-Shika-Chou vs Asuma battle. And it might even have ended. But Hanzo might still have a trick or two up his sleeve. Though I somehow doubt it. I wonder if guys like Chiyo or Asuma, who seems to have retain quite a bit of their will, will be able to break the hold of the Impure World Resurrection. Seems unlikely for now, since no one has been seen breaking it. 

Mifune's Iai strike will probably be an awesome show for the anime. I fell in love with Iai strikes after watching Samurai X. Battojutsu ne? As for Hanzo's weapon, hmm, the only example I can think of that I have seen, is wielded by New Halfs... Interesting. Though it might just be ignorance on my part.

One Piece 617

Hodi Jones vs Zoro seem like a handicap match. I mean, come on, Fishman vs Human underwater? I would think the battle would go either way. Seems plot might favor both sides. For Hodi Jones, isn't he the big boss? So for him to be beaten down this quickly would be anticlimax. As for Zoro, isn't this the first time he is shown battling after his training? For him to loose would mean his two years training has been for nothing. I guess I would place my bet on either having an intense battle between the two, or Hodi thinking Zoro is not worth it and asked his cronies to fight Zoro while he chases after Neptune.

On the other side of Fishman Island, Luffy finds Sanji, Chopper and Hatchan. While taking with them aimdst random inputs by the crowd, discussing what to do with them and what they are on about, Megalon spits out Shirahoshi. The crowd goes crazy and accuses the Straw Hats of kidnapping mermaids. They seem to be oblivious to the fact that she doesn't seem hurt nor doesn't seem to want to escape. Wonder if the next chapter will bring about crowd vs Straw Hats?

Bleach 440

I wonder how Ginjo and Tsukishima are related? They seems to go much deeper than former members of the same organization. I wonder what Tsukishima's Fullbring does? Orihime seems to be harmed in a psychological way, instead of physically. Which would seem to be contrary to Ishida's injury. Unless his Fullbring has two modes or two attacks...hmmm... I'm kinda interested about this Fullbring ability now. As it is slowly being revealed. 

How would Orihime fare? Any would Ichigo pry anything much out of Ginjo? Lots of questions, yet to be answer. Hopefully a few chapters might be able to answer some of my questions. 

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