Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year and New Resolutions

Well, it is that time of the year again!

*Fireworks*, *Drumrolls*, *watevereffects*.

Yes, it is New Year, welcome to 2011. That means we are 1 year, 12 months and 20 days from the end of the world. According to the Mayan prophecy thingie thing.

Well, jokes aside, this means we need to get some new year's resolutions coming, both for myself personally, and for this blog's future!

Well, I'm going to state my new year's resolutions for this year. But first things first, I wonder how the tradition of making new year resolutions came to be. Some have said that because it is one of the few holidays (the only one for most Western countries) that celebrates the passage of time, leading to people being introspective and wants more for their lives. As they say, life is too short.

Anyway, here is the list of my new year resolutions.

1.) Finish my RPG Maker VX game.
To be honest, it has been in work for about half a year, and guess what, I've just finished the first town. Why? Because my beloved laptop died and got reformatted and all my data is lost. Yup, that includes 20 of the game's BGM, its a kick in the teeth if nothing. But I guess with the help of a friend, and some more (planning to recruit some more people), the game should be done by the end of the year. Should be.

2.) Watch more Animes!
That is what I usually do, but towards the end of this year, I have been watching lesser and lesser amounts of anime. Which should be a good thing, right? I mean I do save a lot of time. But the fact is, I don't know where those time I "saved" went to. So not a good thing at all. So watching more animes is definite a thing on my new year's resolution.

3.) Be more involved in blogging.
Yup, I plan to be more involved in blogging. Not just blog more often, which I would probably be doing, but also be more involved in blogging as a whole. Hunt for more information, read other's blogs and get some feedback on mine. Maybe updating more often wouldn't hurt as well.

4.) Make more music.
With the devastating lost of 20 BGMs, I need to kick start music making once more. I'll admit that I don't have much talent, but at least I think I can pull through. BGMs aside, I also plan to make some songs, as in lyrics, singing song things. I haven't really venture there yet, but we'll see, just don't expect anything nice, or even listenable. Hey, I made up a new word!

5.) Get my PS3 by year's end.
Yup, ladies and gentleman, this guy with a meagerly allowance and big expenses is trying to save up to buy a PS3, with the help of his generous sis who will be supplying some cash and a monitor. I have been saving since half a year, and I haven't even reach the half way mark yet. And what with inflation, parking fees (darned uni) and tighter pockets, I can see this new year's resolution ending badly. But, thankfully, I have a secret plan.

6.) Score HDs! 
Yes, I plan to aim to get 4 HDs, or at least a minimum of 2 HDs, 2 Ds per semester. Why? To get the frigging scholarship/rebate thing. Getting it once well be enough to ensure that I get my PS3 this year, plus a couple of games. Expect reviews for PS3 games if this happens. Also, I might be getting my hands on a 3DS or PSP2, if it does comes out this year. Hopefully not, since I'm not that loaded.

7.) Play more PSP and PC games.
Well, it's true that my PC, a laptop really, can't support the latest games, I hope to be reviewing more games. I can wish that someone somewhere gives me a entire set of i7, ATI crossfire, Razor keyboard and mouse desktop for my birthday, but I kinda doubt it will come true. As for PSP games, I do have quite a few games on my list, and I'm waiting for them to be release, including FFIVCC, DDFF and God Eater: Burst. Lords of Arcana is on my list, but I'm not sure if I would be hunting for it just yet.

8.) Keep fit!
This one is a must if I intend to be healthy. I am seriously out of shape, and I intend to go back in shape in two year's time. But, I have tried for so many times, I hope this time I can stick to my plans. I am playing futsal more often now, once biweekly, but with schools starting in a few days time for most of my friends, it is hard to say if I can continue or not. I am looking forward to learning to play squash, hopefully.

That's all for my personal new year's resolution, next up is my new year's resolution for this blog.

1.) Add more topics
I intend to diversify. I am currently doing mangas on Friday and games on Sunday, and intend to add one more thing to the list, but to be honest, I am not sure what. It could be animes, or gadgets or something. I'll be thinking about it for the time being, but I'll be sure to be implementing it by February.

2.) Put more energy into blogging
I don't know if you have realized, but lately (sans the T3B post and this) all my post are pretty much rushed and lazy. I have decided to put more time, soul and energy into my posts, so I might possible be late when it comes to posting, though I intend to do post one week prior. Hard to say as Degree is said to be a busy time.

That's it for now. I intend to take a break, either one or two weeks long to prepare for a new topic, and more well-planned, well written posts. So the usual stuff of manga and games will no be posted these two weeks, although I might be posting some other stuff.

Till next time, adios! And a Happy New Year!

Note: NiteAura has gone to sing Auld Lang Syne at the top of his voice.

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