Friday, October 22, 2010

One Piece 601, Naruto 514

Bleach on hiatus for 2 weeks, this is the second week....
Naruto 514

Oh no! Major interest killer in this chapter. I'm getting tired of this eye nonsense. Once was okay, twice was pushing acceptable, thrice was pushing it and now a fourth time? I'm starting to feel that eyes in Naruto's World work a lot differently than planet Earth. Okay, now look at the picture above. Sharingan on the right, Rinnegan on the left. Anyone notice that big "tomoe" hole above? I wonder what's in there, let's hope its not a third eye.

Talking about eyes, I wonder what happen to the left Sharingan and the right Rinnegan, I REALLY, REALLY hope it's no way near Sasuke. If it is, it will spell the end of Naruto as I know it. Speaking of Sasuke, where the heck is he? Still hiding somewhere playing with Itachi's eyes? This was the only eye transplant I found acceptable. So it was not included with the other four. This kind was after all Uchiha to Uchiha, kinda make sense.

Yamato's capture might spell a bulk up of Zetsu. Which I think really confirm Zetsu as a plant. I mean, why else who they need Wood Element users in order to create Zetsus? So I say, send in a Fire Style User, and start a bush fire...yea.. Oh yeah, and I just realized Kurotsuchi is a girl. What the heck is wrong with mangakas? Androgynous characters here and there, can't they just draw properly?

One Piece 601 

There are still not together.... Fake Straw Hats are revealed and are done for, and the Marines now know that the Real Straw Hats are still alive and have regroup. Again, Brooke, Luffy, Zoro and Sanji have yet reach the new meeting point. Brooke is on his way on a bike cracking a "skull" joke along the way, while Luffy, Zoro and Sanji has finally meet up. Monster Trio, Unite!
But other than that, we get a glimpse at Luffy, Sanji and Zoro's training results. They each defeated a Pacifista with one blow. Although Sanji and Zoro did one in together, but I'm sure with they fought one each, the result would be the same.

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