Sunday, December 26, 2010

Gaming Sunday: The 3rd Birthday (JPN)

the Main Character of T3B

This is the latest product of Square Enix and the latest entry in to the Parasite Eve saga. Whether or not this is a spin-off or an actual part of the Parasite Eve series, the developers have either not decided or will not tell us about it. Either way, The 3rd Birthday is an exciting game that can help, however small, regenerate the revenue that Square Enix has lost over Final Fantasy 14. Seriously, Square Enix should stick to making games on the PSP, I mean when was the last time a Square Enix PSP game bombed?

Those interested in a first look at the game and some spoilers can get a copy of the JPN version of the game. For those who rather wait, the US and EUR versions of T3B will be hitting stores Q1 next year.

WARNING! The following contains drastic spoilers. Yea, this is the first game I put up a spoiler tag, because this is the first game whose story actually surprised me...

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Newsflash (i guess): Laguna in Duodecim, Aya gets more outfits...

Well, this would probably have appeared in my blog a few days ago, if...IF...i didn't have my exams, so anyway, quite a number of big news surrounding Duodecim, including 1 new character, 1 new stage and some other stuff...

Friday, December 17, 2010

Naruto 521, Bleach 431, One Piece 608

Hey guys, finally back to my usual schedule in blogging, been pretend busy lately, exams just finished and all... Looks like in the time I've been out of blogging, a few big news are around which I might post up in a couple of days, anyway, here is this week's manga....

Naruto 521

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Brief Break Again....

Looks like I'm going off to a brief break again, seeing as I have my finals next week, I should have announced this earlier, but it kinda totally slipped my mind. So see you again, next week...


Final Exam....

Final Exam Next Week.....