Thursday, September 30, 2010

Assignment Deadlines

Yippee, oral presentation is over. That docks off one assignment from my very long list of school related "stress". Boo...I did pretty badly in the presentation. I was under the minimum time and struggled with a few words along the way. Worst still, my slides lack the luster found in other people's slides. To be blunt, it is bland. Just words, a few graphs and nothing else. Though I'm not sure what the lecturer's stand on slides are. It would seem that the slides need to be interesting, but not overly so that it is distracting. So I do know what to make of it.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday Blues

It's bad enough to get up early on Monday mornings, you have a long week ahead. Filled with due dates for assignments and more assignments coming soon. Your schedule is fully pack 24 hours round, thankfully it includes some entertainment. You have to meet some deadlines, push yourself to do some stuff. What a long week. 

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Gaming Sundays: Modern Warfare 2

Game Cover. I think it's suppose to be Ramirez.

A FPS war time game. I really can't find any more words to describe this. That's all there is to the simple introduction.


Amateurs programmers from around the world will probably know what that means. Most message box we code will have to display that phrase. Kinda weird don't you think?

Anyway, let's kick start this blog with a introduction.

Hello, my name is -, not that kind...

Anyway, this blog is aimed to live my life to the fullest. How, I do not quite know yet. I just had an urge to start blogging again. What nice memories I used to have last time. This blog would also probably serve as a sorta record for my life...funny eh, but I like to come back to read my old posts when I'm on my death bed, so I can see what kinda crappy life I lived.

So anyway, this blogs gonna mainly run on a schedule sort of thing, with every thursday doing this, and every fridays doing that. The "doing that" part has not been really thought out yet. It'll come soon, I just know it...

Hope I have to motivation to continue this blog, God willing, and to post a lot of posts...

First Real Post coming right up.