Friday, November 19, 2010

Duodecim News from Famitsu


Yes, ladies and gentleman, this is the latest news on Dissida [012] Duodecim: Final Fantasy. For starters, the Third Forms of Gabranth, Terra and Kefka are revealed, along with some new infos on Vaan's playing style as well as information of Sky Fortress Bahamut and Orphan's Cradle stages.

First off, Gabranth's alternate is based on his Kingslayer Disguise, the one he used when he killed King Raminas pretending to be Basch. So in short Gabranth's disguise is Basch as Captain of Dalmasca. So he is Basch, so that means Basch is in as his alternate. Argh! Brain overheating...

Vaan, Terra and Kefka's are based on their Amano artwork, no surprises there. We also get the first look at EX revenge. Oh, and Kefka's fightning style has been tweaked. And Vaan's...awesome...

- Use 8 different weapons (one Brave attack each)
- HP attacks based on quickening finishers, disarms him
- brave attacks have two version, normal and "switch"
- switch happens when using a different weapon from the equipped??? I take this to mean that you use a weapon that is not the usual one for the Brave attack.

oooo.....seems like a lot of strategies and thinking is involved when playing Vaan, much like Lightning I guess. Kain and Tifa are getting plainer and plainer by the second. And his role in the game?

- Doubts Kain, as if no one else does
- Terra's "Knight", Locke's chances are getting slimmer...
- Tired of fighting, Cloud-clone??

next thing we have is about the Assist system, nothing I don't know so far, but I'll just write it out...

-Using an assist attack against an enemy who is in EX mode triggers EX break, which depletes the enemy's EX to zero and the user gets the EX bonus in the middle.

-While in EX mode, attacking an assist character that the enemy unleashed causes Assist Break, Which locks the enemy's Assist Gauge  for a while.

I am sooooo excited......

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