Sunday, March 27, 2011

Gaming Sunday: Dissidia 012 [duodecim]: Final Fantasy

Best Game Ever for the PSP. So far. I don't really know what attracts me so much about Dissidia. Maybe seeing all those cool Final Fantasy Heroes and Villains face off? Or maybe it is the way the game is played, after all the only Final Fantasy game I played prior to the first Dissidia was Crisis Core, so to put it in a way, I was not much "learned of the lore" of Final Fantasy. Hack, I used to think Final Fantasy I-XII were part of a long storyline. Or maybe, it was the "drawn to a world by gods to fight a war" sounding like Warriors Orochi, that I decided to play it. But either way, I wholly enjoyed the first Dissidia, and Duodecim was no different.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Considerations, Dilemmas and What Not

There are a few things I am considering for the moment.  Some are for this blog, others are just for my amusement. The latter involves making some noise with FL Studio, (I said noise but its more towards looping a few notes or something of the like), and messing around with the possibility of making a WarCraft 3 map, which I have been at since forever. I think I have actually improved my FL Studio skill. I think. Then again, maybe not.

Gaming Sunday: SimCity 4

This game is dinosaur. Well, in the sense that it is really old. 2003 I think. I actually played this earlier. Two times in fact. Both times I uninstalled the game after failing to balance the city's budget, it was in my honest opinion, really tough do to so. This time around, it was reintroduced to me by my friend with the inclusion of mods. Now, that's what I call good city building sim. Added with famous landmarks and super civil services, SimCity 4 became more manageable, and as a result, quite fun to play.

First off, great apologies for not being able to post up pictures, except the one above. Somehow or rather, my Internet has been quite slow today. The picture up there was uploaded earlier, after which and stop blogging a while to take some pictures of my cities, did some programming exercises, and wah lah, Internet slow.

Friday, March 18, 2011

One Piece 618, Bleach 441, Naruto 532

I was kinda worried that we wouldn't be getting any mangas this week, with all that's happened in Japan. Let us observe moment of silence. 

Truth be told, the first time I heard about the earthquake and tsunami, I was thinking, I hope Nobuo Uematsu did not die in that disaster. Next thing I thought of was whether Final Fantasy Type-0 and Final Fantasy Versus XIII was gonna get postponed. And finally, my thought reach whether the mangakas were hurt in the disaster. Thinking like this made me feel kinda sad. Why? Because my thoughts would probably the same thoughts for a lot of people around the World, especially those without any acquaintances there. It goes to show that Japan, a great economical power, a respectable nation that advance so quickly is so short a time was thought only as a producer of great video games and manga/anime. Kinda sad fact though. Enough about those gloomy stuff, like us go on to One Piece...woohoo...

P.S: I wonder how many others actually worried about the safety of AV Idols...>_> (One of my friends did...)

One Piece 618

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Gaming Sunday: God of War

Finally, my first PS3 game finished! Yippee! Ignore the big Playstation 2 in the above picture, that was just a placeholder. The one I played was part of the God of War Collection. Talking about PS3, yes I finally bought one. Woohoo! A Gran Turismo 5 bundle. Although I must say I am lacking in terms of financial ability to buy new games, so I'm stuck with GT5 and GoW Collections for the time being. I guess you could say that I'm a God of War fan, having played two games prior to this and a great fan of Greek mythology.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Naruto 531, One Piece 617, Bleach 440

  I've been thinking lately of how to improve my blog. How I can actually have more visitors that actually come to read something instead of just dropping by to check things out. Blog traffic has been on the increase the few months, which I think is rightly accredited to the Countdown to Duodecim series, which has quite sadly, ended. Now that it has ended, I am back to my usual routine, which MIGHT, and I stress MIGHT, mean lower blog traffic. Hmm...I wonder what I should do...teehee... Anyways, back to business.

Naruto 531

Friday, March 4, 2011

Naruto 530, Bleach 439

Too absorbed in Dissidia 012. I was kinda glad that I was able to peal myself off my PSP to read a couple of pages of manga. Kinda glad that One Piece was not around, since that would mean more time reading and more time thinking and indeed, more time writing and more thinking. Nevertheless....

Naruto 530

Duodecim Shock: Cid of Lufaine is a Moogle?

Too Shock for Words